
Power Canal Inspections and Repairs

2025-03-19T20:44:02+00:00March 19th, 2025|Construction, Projects|

To optimize critical water retention and overall facility integrity, AUS performed annual inspections, maintenance and repairs for Cowlitz PUD’s power canals. Inspections and repairs in the canals include leak testing and repairing concrete lined Leak Monitoring Systems using specialty equipment and materials. AUS dive crews also inspect and test the earthen portions of the canal

AUS Performs Sonar Survey at Enloe Dam, Oroville, Washington

2022-11-16T19:39:05+00:00November 16th, 2022|News, Projects|

AUS conducted a sonar survey at Enloe Dam, situated on the Similkameen River. AUS, teaming with ASI Marine, utilized two different sonar systems to perform the survey. The first portion of the survey was done with a multi-beam sonar system mounted on the bottom of the work boat. The second portion was done with a

Wells Dam Draft Tube Cable Replacement

2021-04-27T20:27:21+00:00April 27th, 2021|Projects|

Wells Dam, Douglas County PUD – Draft Tube Cable Replacement AUS was contracted to replace the Draft Tube Gate Cables in Unit 3. This work entails the entire dive crew and the PUD Maintenance Crew working under pressure in the Draft Tube Gallery. The gate connection is underwater and the gate hoists are

Cabinet Gorge Dam Fish Passage Project

2021-04-27T20:18:30+00:00April 27th, 2021|Projects|

Cabinet Gorge Dam, AVISTA Utilities – Fish Passage Project AUS was contracted to provide the underwater support to construct a dewatering structure so that the fish passage facility could be built in the dry. Divers performed the following tasks during the project: Drill and install anchor bolts to secure

Thompson Falls Dam Spillway Gate Rebuild

2021-04-27T20:00:03+00:00April 27th, 2021|Projects|

Thompson Falls Dam, Northwestern Energy – Spillway Gate Rebuild AUS was contracted to install and seal stoplogs to dewater the spillway gate. This allowed for maintenance, repairs, and painting to be performed on the gate in the dry. AUS removed the dewatering structure after the gate work was completed.

9 Mile Dam Sediment Bypass Project

2020-03-07T00:10:04+00:00March 29th, 2018|News|

May 2017- October 2017 Associated Underwater Services was subcontracted to perform the diving portion of the Nine Mile Falls Sediment Bypass Project. This project entailed two phases of work. Phase one was primarily focused on sediment removal and relocation. The second phase was focused on the installation of new dam components. The work scope included:

Lower Granite Dam RSW Removable Spillway Weir

2020-03-07T00:20:21+00:00February 20th, 2018|News|

RSW (Removable Spillway Weir) is a 1,100-ton prototype fish bypass structure installed in spillbay 1 on the upstream side of the Dam. The RSW is hinged on the dam face and rotates to an up or down position using ballast tanks. The buoyancy tanks are operated by a computerized system that controls ascent and descent.

Box Canyon Dam Upstream Fish Passage Project

2020-03-07T00:42:31+00:00October 17th, 2016|Projects|

Box Canyon Dam Upstream Fish Passage Project Fall of 2017 Box Canyon Dam, located on the Pend Oreille River in Washington, is required to provide upstream fish passage for the Bull Trout, West slope Cutthroat, and the Mountain Whitefish. AUS provided diving support for the project working for the General contractor, J.W. Fowler, and

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